The number of addresses with "tr" extension representing
Turkey is increasing each day. The number of address records with "tr"
extension under the supervision of METU Domain Name Management has reached
32000. A careful study is carried out on Domain Name Management web system
in order not to conflict one's Internet address with another.
As Domain Name Management provides people with Internet addresses with
extensions such as,,, according to the field
of activity, it requires people/companies to give evidence that they are
actually working in that field of activity. The Management renders it
obligatory for the people and companies who would like to have a
extension to provide evidence of the trade registry documents or trademark
documents. In other "tr" extensions, necessary documents are
demanded according to the scope of that domain name. The exception to
that procedure is extension where the first come first served system
is applied.
"" is the Leading Domain Name
Within the scope of the authorization given in 1992 by ICAAN, the organization
that undertakes the responsibility of Domain Name Management, METU Domain
Name Management provides Internet address with "tr" extension
in Turkey. METU Domain Name Management has registered 32655 Internet addresses
until today.
The sectoral distribution of Internet addresses registered as "tr"
in Turkey by the Domain Name Management: